prambanan temple is beautiful building. it built in the 10th century. in two king goverment, they were Rakai Pikatan and Rakai Balitung.prambanan has altitude around 47 meter ( 5 meter more then tall than borobudur temple). it showed glory of hindu in java island. temple is located 17km from yogya city center.
when i was there. i'm speechless because i was look beautiful building which you couldn't find it anywhere. in every temple you would find sculpture of hindu and i though it has meant at every scupture in the pass. actually i didn't know it means.ooia in prambanan area there were little temple around 1000 temple but it already destroyed because of earthquakes . if you want to know history of that temple you can find office of prambanan temple to get tour guide to elucidation prambanan history. and surely you have to pay that guide there. i recommended for all of you exactly foreign tourists to come here and enjoy prambanan temple.
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